Sunday, November 9, 2014

Georgia, we hear you calling

    At Fort Frederica National Monument, GA we applied as volunteers and were accepted months ago.  Then they lost us somehow and replaced us with other volunteers.  I did not know about this and called because we usually receive a Welcome Packet and did not.  They were all apologies and wanted to make things right.  Meanwhile Big Cypress Preserve next to the Everglades and Everglades NP called offering us positions for Dec-March.  We applied several years ago to Everglades but declined when they wanted the whole season of 5 months.  We volunteer 3 months. We met a ranger transferring to Big Cypress when we were at Bryce.  It is a smaller group than you would think in NPS.  Both positions called US.  It is either feast or famine.
     To make a long story short after several talks by phone we are spending the first 3 months of 2015 on St. Simon's Island but not staying in Ft. Frederica NM.  They do not have a place for us to stay on site.  They are offering 32 hours together commitment like at ORPI, a car to go back and forth, plus they are paying for a site at a campground that is 7 miles away although still on the island.  Our Ft. Frederica interpretive boss lives at the RV park.  With such nice people how could we say "no"?  One of the reasons for volunteering is getting to live right in the park. (I woke up every morning seeing Devils Tower because we were right there.) They have bent over backwards to accommodate us so we are off to GA right after Christmas. Sure hope this works out! And the views are a mixture of all below.
In Big Cypress 2009

Everglades 2009 top and bottom pictures


Sunday, October 19, 2014

New England October 2014

We have unpacked and gotton the rig ready for winter.  Our home refrigerator/freezer is filled again.  I have seen the sun on one full day only.  It has been cloudy and damp for most of the days.  Now I remember what I like about the midwest and southwest.  I am missing the sun at the moment!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Last pictures of South Dakota

Our site at Herman Lake Campground was right on the inlet and the camp host's site. It was very pretty but it was too cold and WINDY to enjoy the outdoors.  We spent one night.

The very nice park was cold and deserted. 

  Look at the waves on the small lake!  Yes, Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

We're in New England October 2014

 The work begins unpacking, getting house, motor home, and yard ready for winter. 
In PA we met a little rain and color.
  We arrived in Woodstock greeted by peak fall colors.
    At the dock our grandson's forgotten swimming tube was still there. 
   Below:  John is tackling the leaves that come with all that beautiful color.
      He says Bah, humbug!!!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Interior, SD

In background the posts seen is the road to Interior.
At the campground in Badlands NP I saw vehicles traveling through at 6-7am from somewhere south near the Rosebud Reservation.  I was curious.  John and I took a ride south of the park and found a unique town, Interior, SD.  It is so, soooo small (67 people) but has a few businesses like a motel and campground, yet has such an old fashioned feel.  The fee taker for the south entrance of the park lives there.  I fell in love with such a unique place.

Interior was swept with fire 3 times but it still survives.  Some lots were never rebuilt.

What more could you need?  The post office is connected to the grocery.  There is a school, gas station and 2 watering holes, 3 churches and a park for residents to gather with picnic tables, play yard, etc.  And it can all be seen at a sweeping glance!

I love the survival attitude of this town!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Badlands National Park in 2014

When we left the Black Hills of South Dakota our final stop in the western part of the state was Badlands National Park.  We stayed 2 nights and enjoyed the serenity with sightseening and a little hiking.  I hated to leave this place.  In September there are no crowds and no 100 degree temps but
 no ranger talks either. 

This reminded me of Petrified Forest National Park.  The first time we were
 here we had not been to Petrified Forest so we could not compare. 

Erosion at work and what beautiful results!

We stayed in the campground with no crowds.

We traveled the park by car and hiked a few trails.

A history lesson & wedding at DC Booth

This was like my car in 1970.  How big and sporty!

At Ruby's Garden behind the Booth House

Another beautiful bride is walked down the isle
The last day on the job at DC Booth House there was a wedding.  What I was surprised about was what they picked as a Bridal Car-an old classic-like Lisa and Jim had for their wedding 28 years ago.  But the modern bride and hubby picked a classic just like MY CAR IN 1970, my Chevelle.  So John and I are old and ancient  - NO, classics!  I had forgotten what a big sporty car it was.  And we fit all 5 children into it many years ago.  The bridal car was even close to the color car I owned with leather seats but not well chewed like ours.  Pam, the youngest, chewed the back of all our car's seats.  The children back then were not seat belted in so she leaned forward with her mouth on the back of the front seats.  And the seats in the front were 2 not quite bucket so one could get into the back seat with the 2 car doors.  We traveled 3 in the front seat, not possible now.  A trip down memory lane!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Nine Days and Counting

I know when it is time to go when I am counting the days to travel mode.  It is time to go back to Connecticut after one year of traveling the beautiful USA.  We have seen soooooo much!!!!!!!!!

The Booth House

This is where I spent some of my time volunteering giving tours.  It looks to me, the New Englander, like an ordinary turn of the century house but in Spearfish SD, it was a magnificent government house with electricity, hot and cold running water, an indoor bathroom, and central steam heat.  It was built in 1905 and was a showcase for the superintendent's family!

Eating with Our Volunteer Neighbors

Two nights we ate with our neighbors.  We all went to a local pizza joint named Dough Trader and then 2 nights later the campground had a BBQ cook off with band, sampling, and lots of people.  Great Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!  Next week we will have a final fire and then we all head out traveling after 9/28.
That is April, our boss.  Note the pizzas are gone!
At the Spearfish 1st Autumn BBQ cook off we went down the street of the campground sampling their smoked items.  We voted for tasters choice.  John liked the bacon brownies and I like a jalapeno stuffed with cheese and bacon.
Rigs like this are towed as well as their campers.
The BBQ cook off is judged by a panel also. There was a band and a beer tent and other vendors. This was right in the campground so we walked all around. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Infection That Would Not Go Away

On Labor Day weekend I felt sick and was lucky my Connecticut doctor was on call.  The prescription did the trick and I felt much better.  BUT the sneaky infection came back!!  At least this time it was during the week so things were open.  I went to a clinic here and got stronger medication.  It all worked out but I hate to be feeling lousy on the road!  My volunteer hours suffered a bit but I feel better.

Hill City 1880's SteamTrain

We were given a pass at Devils Tower that gives $$ breaks for the attractions around the Black Hills because we volunteer.  It is figured if we see them in person one can talk about the attractions. That makes a lot of sense. We were very far away at Devils Tower (2-3 hours)so we did not get to use the pass.  We had been in the area before therefore we could still speak about attractions we had been to. I thought we could use the passes when we arrived in Spearfish, closer to everything.  Well, a lot of the venues close on Labor Day or do not honor the pass. First we were in training and setting up. Labor Day came quickly with 3 days off and 3 days of work rotating.We did use the pass for Bear Country USA and Custer Needles highway. I went on line to see what was left I would like to see and picked Hill City 1880 train ride - still open.  It is about an hour plus away from Spearfish.  Well, to make a long story short we got there and they would not honor the pass after Labor Day.  Since we traveled already, we paid $56- to go on the train. It was a big tourist trap.  Popcorn and souvenir pictures were sold on the train.  Most of the narration was a canned program.  The museum also cost extra ($1 off if you took the train ride).  We did not go in.  It was very disappointing!!!  It was a train hour ride through the Black Hills from Hill City to Keystone and back but it followed a route that we had been on by car.  Well, you live and learn!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bear Butte

We visited Bear Butte State Park and Fort Meade in Sturgis 5 days ago.  What a contrast to the cold and snow now! Not many motorcycles in Sturgis.  They all went back home after the rally. The butte was formed around the same time as Devils Tower.  It is a very distinctive formation on the prairie and another sacred site to the Native Americans.  It was very hot and Emma was not allowed on the trails. We just visited the info center with Emma in the shade of a tree waiting in the car.  Fort Meade was built to protect the Black Hills settlers.  Today it is a National Guard training center and Veterans Hospital.  There was a fort museum we visited which was just OK.  We are kind of picky now!

Bear Butte

Just another beautiful day with awesome clouds

This photo reminds me of the Badlands to the east near Wall, SD.

When we returned to Spearfish I took a walk along the creek.

and John was in his usual spot

Frost on the Pumpkin

It was cold and wet last night when I went to bed. The first hard frost of the season was seen this morning.  I stepped out to very icy slippery steps and crunchy white grass.  The snow was gone but replacing it was frost.  My plant I did not take in I covered over with a towel and placed under the picnic table last night.  This morning I took off a very frozen towel and put the plant in the sun.  I will see if my makeshift garage protected the geraniums and petunias.  And it is only September 12th in the South Dakota Black Hills!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11/14 SNOW

In the Black Hills snow from 2-7 inches was predicted for today.  We had the 2 plus that melted by afternoon.  Then it just rained.  Other places higher in elevation got the seven.

Snow came to the hatchery

Black Eyed Susans look sad!

This bronze statue looks cold.  Grampa is telling granddaughter "Let's go home!"

This maple is a mix of three seasons!

The tree does not know if it is in summer, autumn or winter!

Our campground  is welcoming and beautiful!

After today I think the flowers will be over.  There will be a hard freeze tonight and
the weekend is supposed to be 70's!  Got to love South Dakota - it has everything! 

It snowed just inches but it was magical.  John in the railcar and me in the store
met only 34 people but the Floridians were thrilled with the snow, the people
from England were cold but reserved, and the people from around
here were worried it will be another very cold winter.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Moving Trout from DC Booth Fish Hatchery

Early this morning two trucks arrived to take most of the trout from 3 ponds to South Dakota streams, ponds and lakes.  DC Booth has trout fingerlings placed in the spring to grow until they are caught and released into ponds & streams of SD.  Below are pictures of the removal process.

The original 1899 hatchery building is in the background

To capture the trout the pond level is lowered, then large nets are used to capture the trout.

They net, weigh and place the trout in trucks

John, in blue, has had enough watching!
The Pond Shop where I work from where the fish were being captured.
  The fog was rolling in. In 1 hour this pond was just a stream.
The inside of the Pond Shop...note our best seller, fish food!

View from the doorway of the Pond Shop...stairs go down to an underwater viewing area.

Some of the grounds around the Pond Shop.  It really looks like a park!!!