Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11/14 SNOW

In the Black Hills snow from 2-7 inches was predicted for today.  We had the 2 plus that melted by afternoon.  Then it just rained.  Other places higher in elevation got the seven.

Snow came to the hatchery

Black Eyed Susans look sad!

This bronze statue looks cold.  Grampa is telling granddaughter "Let's go home!"

This maple is a mix of three seasons!

The tree does not know if it is in summer, autumn or winter!

Our campground  is welcoming and beautiful!

After today I think the flowers will be over.  There will be a hard freeze tonight and
the weekend is supposed to be 70's!  Got to love South Dakota - it has everything! 

It snowed just inches but it was magical.  John in the railcar and me in the store
met only 34 people but the Floridians were thrilled with the snow, the people
from England were cold but reserved, and the people from around
here were worried it will be another very cold winter.

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