Saturday, October 4, 2014

Interior, SD

In background the posts seen is the road to Interior.
At the campground in Badlands NP I saw vehicles traveling through at 6-7am from somewhere south near the Rosebud Reservation.  I was curious.  John and I took a ride south of the park and found a unique town, Interior, SD.  It is so, soooo small (67 people) but has a few businesses like a motel and campground, yet has such an old fashioned feel.  The fee taker for the south entrance of the park lives there.  I fell in love with such a unique place.

Interior was swept with fire 3 times but it still survives.  Some lots were never rebuilt.

What more could you need?  The post office is connected to the grocery.  There is a school, gas station and 2 watering holes, 3 churches and a park for residents to gather with picnic tables, play yard, etc.  And it can all be seen at a sweeping glance!

I love the survival attitude of this town!

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