Saturday, September 20, 2014

Eating with Our Volunteer Neighbors

Two nights we ate with our neighbors.  We all went to a local pizza joint named Dough Trader and then 2 nights later the campground had a BBQ cook off with band, sampling, and lots of people.  Great Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!  Next week we will have a final fire and then we all head out traveling after 9/28.
That is April, our boss.  Note the pizzas are gone!
At the Spearfish 1st Autumn BBQ cook off we went down the street of the campground sampling their smoked items.  We voted for tasters choice.  John liked the bacon brownies and I like a jalapeno stuffed with cheese and bacon.
Rigs like this are towed as well as their campers.
The BBQ cook off is judged by a panel also. There was a band and a beer tent and other vendors. This was right in the campground so we walked all around. 

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