Sunday, November 9, 2014

Georgia, we hear you calling

    At Fort Frederica National Monument, GA we applied as volunteers and were accepted months ago.  Then they lost us somehow and replaced us with other volunteers.  I did not know about this and called because we usually receive a Welcome Packet and did not.  They were all apologies and wanted to make things right.  Meanwhile Big Cypress Preserve next to the Everglades and Everglades NP called offering us positions for Dec-March.  We applied several years ago to Everglades but declined when they wanted the whole season of 5 months.  We volunteer 3 months. We met a ranger transferring to Big Cypress when we were at Bryce.  It is a smaller group than you would think in NPS.  Both positions called US.  It is either feast or famine.
     To make a long story short after several talks by phone we are spending the first 3 months of 2015 on St. Simon's Island but not staying in Ft. Frederica NM.  They do not have a place for us to stay on site.  They are offering 32 hours together commitment like at ORPI, a car to go back and forth, plus they are paying for a site at a campground that is 7 miles away although still on the island.  Our Ft. Frederica interpretive boss lives at the RV park.  With such nice people how could we say "no"?  One of the reasons for volunteering is getting to live right in the park. (I woke up every morning seeing Devils Tower because we were right there.) They have bent over backwards to accommodate us so we are off to GA right after Christmas. Sure hope this works out! And the views are a mixture of all below.
In Big Cypress 2009

Everglades 2009 top and bottom pictures


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