Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hill City 1880's SteamTrain

We were given a pass at Devils Tower that gives $$ breaks for the attractions around the Black Hills because we volunteer.  It is figured if we see them in person one can talk about the attractions. That makes a lot of sense. We were very far away at Devils Tower (2-3 hours)so we did not get to use the pass.  We had been in the area before therefore we could still speak about attractions we had been to. I thought we could use the passes when we arrived in Spearfish, closer to everything.  Well, a lot of the venues close on Labor Day or do not honor the pass. First we were in training and setting up. Labor Day came quickly with 3 days off and 3 days of work rotating.We did use the pass for Bear Country USA and Custer Needles highway. I went on line to see what was left I would like to see and picked Hill City 1880 train ride - still open.  It is about an hour plus away from Spearfish.  Well, to make a long story short we got there and they would not honor the pass after Labor Day.  Since we traveled already, we paid $56- to go on the train. It was a big tourist trap.  Popcorn and souvenir pictures were sold on the train.  Most of the narration was a canned program.  The museum also cost extra ($1 off if you took the train ride).  We did not go in.  It was very disappointing!!!  It was a train hour ride through the Black Hills from Hill City to Keystone and back but it followed a route that we had been on by car.  Well, you live and learn!!!!!!!!

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