Monday, May 12, 2014

Snow in Yellowstone

When we saw the sides of the road, we figured we would see lots of snow.
Yellowstone was beautiful, even the burned areas.

The bison were looking for uncovered grass right beside the road next to Yellowstone Lake.

On  the Yellowstone River in Hayden Valley there were 5 PELICANS.
 ...... Bet they thought they came too early!!

It was just beautiful!!

These mountain goats were looking at their companions up on the snowy rocks.
They were right beside the road with no snow- no dummies!

A moose mom and calf feeding in the willows.  It is the best picture I have of them.

Sulpher pools & geysers on our walk around the Norris Geyser Basin area.

Yellowstone Falls with the snow was just beautiful.  I have a sketch from
the last time I was there August 5 years ago!  Too cold to sketch now!

The falls from Artist Point - the best view in Yellowstone!

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