Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Cody and Yellowstone National Park

View of the snow last night
Below I had to shovel (with a broom) our RV steps!

We arrived in Cody just outside the mountains of Yellowstone National Park.  It is rainy and cold and not good weather to visit the national park so we are hunkered down visiting the town waiting for better weather.  In Cody things are not really open until Memorial Day but they have a wonderful museum. 
Yellowstone 2009

Picture of small sulphur pools that was taken on our previous visit.
My Connecticut old faithful from 2009!

The bison that scratched his back on a big bus moments before this picture taken 8/2009.
John is about museumed out!!!!but...the Buffalo Bill Cody Museum has many different buildings like the Smithsonian in Washington, DC and we did them all.  It houses an art of the west museum with a replica of artist Remington's NY state studio (I visited the fine art building), a huge gun museum (John visited there), a Native American Museum, a Wild Bill Cody Museum and a natural history museum, which we both visited.  A 2 day pass is always given.  We spent at least 3 1/2 hours one day and another 3 1/2 the next to see just the first floor.  There are other special exhibits and sections like library, etc which we were just too pooped to enter and the outdoor cabin exhibits were not open until Memorial Day. They also had a Bird of Prey exhibit with live birds in one of the gardens-too cold today.  It costs $18 for a two day pass but well worth the money.  You could easily spend two full days there and come away with a full head of facts never before known.  Sorry , no pictures!

We will enter Yellowstone NP from the east, which we have never done before.  We know Yellowstone a little for we visited there for a week about 5 years ago on my Yellowstone Dream Trip.  My, looking back on the last several years I have seen so many parks and places including famous parks like Zion and Grand Canyon again and again and again!  John and I are soooooo lucky!

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