Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Poor Scion & Poor Doe

Over this embankment to the right came a very large doe determined to cross
the road like something was chasing her.

This is what happened
But thank goodness we made it back to the motorhome to wait for the adjuster!
Our new boss, Nancy, stopped on her way home from Devils Tower to invite us us to an orientation.  Yesterday we spent the day in Devils Tower.  On the way back to the motorhome which is at a campground in Sundance, the Scion met a doe quickly crossing a very lonely road .  The car broadsided her on the passenger side, she rolled up across the windshield on the drivers side and landed in the road.  She got up and went back in front of our car to lay down in the ditch dying.  We felt sooooo bad!!  No cell service so we had to figure out exactly where we were! The car was running so we picked up the pieces of car in the road, took pictures, noted where we were by the mileage signs and a B&B sign, then headed to Sundance and the cops, 15 miles away.  We wanted to quickly as possible put the poor does out of she misery and report the accident.  So now instead of going and setting up at the Tower today we will wait for an insurance man to call us.  We do not want to be out of reliable cell service until the Scion problem is resolved.  We are fine and I guess the car works but is not legal - no headlight. It just looks awful! You never know what a day will bring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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