Friday, May 30, 2014

Quick Study for Devils Tower Programs

 After little car was towed away and we recieved a loaner for 2 weeks we headed to our new temporary home, Devils Tower.  The car cost almost $7,000 to fix.  Thank goodness for insurance.  Poor car has been with us for just 3 years and has had the engine replaced because of a fire, been hit by another car before we even started towing little car, had a windshield replaced in Texas this past winter and now had the body fixed-big time.  At least it was not totaled.  Remember it has been made into a tow vehicle and what a headache that would be if totaled!!!!!!!!!!!  The doe costs us dough (deductible$$$) but maybe it was an expensive car wash.  We never got to wash the car and it was cleaned inside and out when we picked it up at the body shop.

Our home for part of the summer and below our view from the front of the RV looking north

This peace sculpture by a Japanese artist is the sacred circle of smoke.
  Looking through the sculpture you can see Bear Lodge (Devils Tower).  Near here Buffalo Calf
Woman gave the Lakota rules to live by (how to take care for all things in their world).

A bull snake was going past on one of our walks around the tower.

Spring is here with things in bloom

In the last week we have studied, studied, studied and started to give walks and talks.  John is doing a coyote short talk and I am presenting a vulture program.  We both have started working at the visitor center answering questions and John has revised his pronghorn program to fit Wyoming and the American Pronghorn.  It has been a crazy time here.  We have not had time to miss our car!

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