Monday, May 12, 2014

Meeting Friends

The best part of the park was not the beautiful scenery or great wildlife but an unexpected meeting.  After John and I had lunch while watching the Yellowstone River we were headed east leaving  the park.  John did a quick turn into a pulloff and I though he was crazy.  He just said "Don't you recognize the truck?"  He had just spotted the Kirk's truck, another volunteer couple we had met in Texas.  We had last seen them on Christmas Eve 2013 in Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge while all of us were volunteering.  What a chance meeting!!!! 

They were very suprised to see us knocking on their truck door.  They were having lunch in the next turnout from our lunch spot.  We could have had lunch together!  Boy, John put 2 and 2 together very fast!  After visiting with them awhile we both went our separate ways.  They were west of the park in West Yellowstone, ID/ WY border.  We were staying east of Yellowstone in Cody, WY.  We will meet them again in the Black Hills at Spearfish, SD.  Both of us will be volunteering at the DC Booth Historic Fish Hatchery. The Kirks are volunteering for the entire summer and we will volunteer for August and September.  Imagine in all the US, just bumping into another couple in Yellowstone National Park in the snow!

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