Wednesday, March 26, 2014


We had a problem with our electricity, shore power but no lights, no fan/air conditioner, no hot water, etc.  After a frustrating 2 days, help from other volunteers, and calling Lazydays we replaced the solonoid (they overnighted it) and everything is OK.  We thought we had to take the MH to Ajo, where we made an appointment for this morning.  Yesterday was spent packing the MH for traveling.  It got me in the packing mode so we have lots of things done for the travel mode ahead.  John had changed the oil in the MH, packed some outside items and I have cleaned drawers, etc. After our work shifts ending Saturday, we are traveling with friends to Mexico for 3 days.  Then we work again one more 32 hour schedule completing our 3 month assignment.  I am anxious to travel.  We have been working for 6 months with one quick week to travel from one place to another.  (Of course I traveled to CT while John did our shifts.) I have enjoyed our time but it is time to be retired again.  We will be traveling to California to visit Yosemite and Sequoia and then traveling to middle Wyoming to see some of the places we left last summer to quickly travel east.  We will be volunteering again at Devil's Tower, WY starting in June.  Sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men become unravelled.  That is the adventure of it.  One plans and then lets fate happen.  What is over the next horizon? 

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