Thursday, March 6, 2014

Our Adventure Continues

Our adventure will continue for we have been accepted to Devil's Tower NM in Wyoming - June to mid August and Mid August through September we will be in Spearfish, SD at historic DC Booth Fish Hatchery voluntering then returning to New England in October.  You never know what life brings including the now13 month western oddesy. We have been asked to stay for a while longer in Organ Pipe Cactus (they must like us!) so sometime next month, April, we will travel to California to see what was missed last year.  Last year in June it was too hot and I was not well so we cancelled plans and traveled east. East we painted the house and did yard maintenance instead of spending time in Bryce Canyon National Park volunteering. (that was a bummer!!) You never know what life brings! Now our spring plans are Borrego Springs, CA, Kings Canyon/Sequoia NP, Yosemite NP (my bucket list park) and Death Valley NP and then on to Wyoming where we planned to spend time but did not last summer.  We will stay volunteering in Wyoming and South Dakota for the summer before coming to Connecticut.
The Tower picture is taken from the visitor's center.
We will be working at the VC.  I think it funny the white car looks kinda like ours
 yet we had not yet purchased our Scion tow vehicle when this was taken.
We have been to the tower before.

This is right over the line from South Dakota

The Black Hills where we will spend the summer

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