Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Family visits

Dripping Springs view to the northeast as seen with Lauren & Pam

Quitobaquito Springs as seen with Lauren and Pam and yes, there is some water in this desert!

TJ and Grampa on the way to Bull Pasture, the best hike in the monument!
Pam, Lauren, and John at Dripping Springs hike resting at the top
On the way to the bull,a rock formation like a skull of a Texas longhorn,
which you can see above John's hat to the right

The cactus & cholla were blooming

We saw the Ajos at their best before sunset

TJ, John and I went to Old Tucson Studios where old westerns were made.
We were walking in the steps of John Wayne and others.
First Pam and Lauren arrived with me from CT and then the day after they left, TJ, a grandson, visited Organ Pipe Cactus.  We hiked and visited and 2 weeks of family visiting flew by. 

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