Sunday, June 2, 2013

Rats, pack rats

Yesterday we packed everything and took up the jacks.  It was time to leave.....but the jack lights on the dash would not work.  John pressed something and the jacks went up but something was wrong with them.  Oh, what now!  We called Lazydays and left a message with the tech that answered questions on the road.  In the parking lot of a Walmart after John checked everything he could think of and I shopped, we decided to call Tucson Lazydays and ask for an appointment the next day.  Yes, they could see us first thing in the morning so we headed south instead of the planned west.  The "On the Road Service Tech" called back and John did his suggestions but nothing worked.  We were on the way south anyway.  We slept in the Tucson overnight lot at Lazydays.  At least there was electrical hookups!   It was hot and we needed air conditioning for the first time this trip.

The tech today told us the bad news and the good news.  It was the wiring harness to the motor home that pack rats had made a nest in and chewed wires.  The good news was that it was fixable and it seemed the critters did not raise young there and do more damage.  So we are here on Saturday night in the campground and today it was 106 degrees.  Emma had to be carried to the grass at noontime to pee.  The pavement could burn her feet.  The air conditioning did not keep up with the heat so it is 8 pm and 88 degrees inside but I think the outside air will now cool and make the air conditioner work.  We are off to COOLER pastures tomorrow with bars of Irish Spring next to our wiring harness (a suggestion).

After the next door neighbor at Petrified Forest had trouble with his truck wires we put lights around the MH, put out traps, put moth balls and Fresh Cab in the compartments but the wiring harness is behind the propane tank and in an open space directly in the middle of the MH unprotected.  We will never know when we were invaded.  It will always be a mystery like the fire last year in the engine of the car.  I now have full respect for the rats of the desert southwest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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