Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bryce Canyon National Park

After Zion and the testing issue in St. George, we headed to Bryce.  It is just as beautiful as last year.  We are testing the waters if altitude sickness is the underlying cause of how I am feeling.  I am fine now- maybe pills interaction?????.  We stayed in Bryce Canyon in North Campground, 8,300 feet altitude, just up the road from of last year's site, a few minutes from the rim by walking.  Emma on one of her morning walks walked right into our former camp host spot of last year.  She must remember because she jumped on Dave's leg when he entered our MH.  Dave was the person who worked opposite as camp host last year and is again this year.  After a dinner with Dave in our MH, visits to others we knew from last year, taking in some ranger talks and a walk we used up 4 days and I am fine.  I walked both campgrounds and some of the trails at the rim.  I did not attempt down in the hoodoos till I get acclimated!

Bryce Canyon NP from rim

Beautiful Bryce

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