Friday, June 7, 2013


A lot has happened in a short time.  We had our rodant chewing problem fixed in Tuscon and went up to Dead Horse Ranch State Park just below Sedona, AZ on Monday.  It was very hot but we plugged into electricity so we cooled the rig down enough to sleep.  In Tuscon it was 112 degrees (to hot to potty Emma at noon - her paws would burn on the rocks or pavement)  It was over 100 when we arrived at the state park near Sedona.  We did not even take the car off towing mode, just spent the night to cool down.  The next morning we arrived in Williams at Kiabab State Forest campground (no hookups) and at 7,700 feet it was much cooler.  After cooling down the rig I could open windows and there was a breeze in the pines.  The next day we visited Williams, west of Flagstaff on the I-40 and just hung and read books and enjoyed the birds.  We saw 3 different birds not seen since Bryce Canyon National Park, a mountain bluebird, a stellar jay and a woodpecker that I cannot remember the name of. 

In this campsite it is cool and breezy and buggy.  Between pollen and the high altitude I could not breath.

I had not been feeling right since we left Petrified Forest and was having a hard time breathing.  My blood pressure was high so I called my CT Dr. and he said head to a clinic.  At Williams the doc took an EKG, etc said he thought I had altitude sickness.  He called the CT doc and gave me a new prescription for my blood pressure.  At Petrified Forest we were at 6000 feet for 3 months and then we went to Tuscon in a day and the heat was over 100 degrees.  Then we came back up to 7700 feet at Williams, just south of the Grand Canyon.  It was OKed to go on to Sequoia and Yosemite, just watch my symptoms.  A high with very warm temps is right over this area for a week.  Going west we went lower in altitude so I felt fine again but the heat was getting me.  We stopped in Needles, CA last night and it was 107 degrees.  Today it was going to get to 112 at Needles but we were headed right into the Majove Desert, which gets hotter.  To make a long story short, we are skipping the middle CA national parks and are at Hurricane, UT, near Zion National Park.  It is still HOT/HOT/HOT but not like the Mojave.  We are in a RV resort under a tree and it is over 100 here will cool down.  Heat and I do not get along so I can either die of the heat OR altitude sickness.  I have choices!!!!!!!!!!!  In Bryce which will be cooler at over 8,000 feet, I will see how I feel and might have to go down in altitude again!!!!!  Life on the road is sure an adventure!

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