Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mt Lemon & Lake Mead

We drove into the Coronado Forest outside of Tucson where cacti became rocks and evergreens.  The Scion drove well up the steep roads and snow was still in the high altitudes from last weeks storm.
Snow was still in shaded areas

These people picked a great vantage point and set up chairs

It became very forested

We were at 8,000 feet when we reached the ski area and small town

Lake Mead  marina is a contrast from Mt Lemon outside of Tucson

Yesterday we left Tuscon and arrived in Boulder City, NV next to Lake Mead just above Boulder Dam.  We will be staying here until I fly to Connecticut to visit family.  Emma is taking care of John in Zion National Park while I am away.  He is traveling alone to Zion, about 2 1/2 hours away, where he will be while I am away. 

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