Friday, April 13, 2012

Lake Mead and Hoover Dam

Before I flew to Connecticut we toured Hoover Dam from water and from land but did not walk the new high bridge across Black Canyon.  We were camped in the national recreation area on Lake Mead. 
John looking at Hoover Dam from a boat tour of Lake Mead.  The white on the rocks at the water line is from where the water used to be.  The lake is low right now. 

Boulder Dam from the land side of the dam

The dam blocks Black Canyon and holds back 2 years worth of water use in Lake Mead.  The water is used by Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, California, and Mexico.  Imperial Valley, CA uses the Colorado River to irrigate it's fields.  Imperial Valley grows 1/3 of all the fruits and veggies in the US.

We took a boat ride, then went to the dam itself and went on a tour including huge turbines for electricity.

Downstream a new bridge opened in 2010.  One cannot drive over the dam anymore unless checked by security.

Our view out the front window of the RV of Lake Mead and mountains

View of the dam from the boat tour
I Flew out of Las Vegas, NV to Connecticut family for 10 days.  Emma took care of John as he drove to Zion National Park in Utah and stayed while I was away.  Next stop Bryce Canyon National Park!!!

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