Friday, March 9, 2012

Friends and Trouble

Good friends of ours visited the last days we were at Organ Pipe and we went to dinner with them at a coworkers home who lives in Sonoyta, Mexico.  It was a great ending to special times in the "Most dangerous park in the US" (That is what the Yahoo reporter said and she was sooooooo wrong.)  We see things in reality living there for almost 4 months.  We will think of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument as a safe blooming green desert with warm hearted people.  We were lucky to be in such a "dangerous place".  The young reporter tried to make a name for herself on sensationalism.  I hope she does not succeed
Our friend Pam and John at an Organ Pipe

Our little toad did not make it out of the neighboring reservation without a huge problem.  John looked in the monitor and mirror to see smoke from the engine.  Little car was on fire.  We stopped and with help of a nice passerbye unhooked the toad so the fire if exploded did not take the motorhome with it and the Why Fire Department was called, then  cancelled. We managed to put the fire out quickly so we hooked the car back up and the nice couple who helped suggested a free place to stop outside of Tuscon so we could collect ourselves and take the next step.  Our emergency proved how good people are.  They were wonderful strangers in a very remote place. 
This gentleman put little car up there all by himself.  I thought it was our last goodbye to little car. 
A budded cholla
One of my last pictures at Organ Pipe. This is how I will remember the beauty of ORPI.
We spent three days at Casino del Sol outside Tucson, AZ in their parking lot.  Lots of RV's were there.  It was well lit and free and we had cell service internet.  We called our insurance company and got a tow truck out on Monday morning.  The fire happened on Saturday and you know how the weekend works!!!!!!!!!!!!  We shopped at Walmart right down the road on Sunday and by Wednesday we had signed insurance papers and the car was looked at.  It will be not be totaled and covered minus the deductable and we are fine.  We collected our thoughts and decided to spend some time at Lazydays in Tuscon waiting for word from the repair place. (stay 2 days and get 2 days free) I had a few items to buy and we now have some LED lights to boondock with so our batteries will last longer.  We were fine at the Casino for 3 days but now we are better off. We have decided to go to a state park until the car is fixed.  So despite the problem or because of, I used a hot tub and pool during the time winds closed I-10 down.  Life on the road is not boring if nothing else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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