Sunday, March 25, 2012

Waiting Mode in Tucson

Well, here we sit.  Friday afternoon we drove our car back to Lazydays.  It seemed fine so we made plans to go to Mt Lemon outside of Tucson Saturday to test the car.  We have until Tuesday/Wednesday when our MH part comes in to see if the car is running fine.  One week from Tuesday I fly out of Vegas to CT so we have time to check the car out before we travel on with it in the "toad mode".  But Saturday morning when we turned the car on, dash lights saying "take car to scion dealer" and "check engine" lite so we canceled plans and drove back 1 mile to the place we got the car the day before.  These engine lights were not visible when we drove the car to Lazydays. No one was there on a Saturday.  We called, emailed insurance and car place. Monday the car will be looked at.  So we are in the wait mode again for 2 more days - very discouraging and now we have been officially 3 weeks without little wheels.  I am antsy to move forward.  Time is running out!  But here we sit.  I will swim in the pool today and we must take an urban hike for a few groceries.  I have been patient enough and am ready to move on. Ugggghhhh!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard to adjust our attitude when things don't work the way we think they should. Being stuck with no wheels is tough. At least you have a pool and groceries are close enough to hike to. Eat well.
