Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sonoran Desert Wildflowers

Spring has come to the desert.  Birds are singing and flowers are in bloom.  We traveled the 21 mile Ajo Mountain Road for the last time a few days ago.  Everything is just beautiful.  It is around 80 in the afternoons and the sun is very bright.  Now the only thing I need is a WOW sunset.  I have not seen one in a few weeks.  John has his last talk tomorrow night and I will pack up my paints on Monday.  We met Lauren and hubby for lunch in Yuma last Thursday so the family visits are over. The VIP campfire in our honor is on Wednesday night. Thursday we are going to Sonoyta for dinner and Friday morning we leave.  Goodbye beautiful Organ Pipe National Monument.  We are off to new adventures!!!!
Lupine and brittle bush along the road

I think this is called desert poppy. It is very tiny.

Brittle Bush is everywhere and sooooooooooooo beautiful

These daisy like flowers are as small as a pinky nail

Brittle bush even makes the rocks happy

As well as prickly pear

Lupine are creaping up against a bush

This is a cristate but I thought it a neat picture

Globe mallow in blossom also

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