Tuesday, October 11, 2011

We are finally traveling!!!!!!!!!!

On Saturday 10/8 at 1pm we left Woodstock traveling to the Welcome Center in PA where we stayed for the night. (No trucks allowed from 7pm-7am) We went I-80 through PA mountains and saw autumn landscapes.  I saw an adult flying Bald Eagle and a road kill bear in PA....2 firsts!!!!!  We traveled flawlessly through Ohio, Indiana, Illinois with the only shock being expensive tolls - $55.25 - the quickest is not the cheapest!!  On the toll road I-90 in Ohio there are RV pads with electricity for $20.00 at some rest stops (away from everything and fairly quiet.)  We put the slide out and unhooked the car. We stopped at Elkhart, Indiana to see May West's travel coach and many other antique RV's at the RV Hall of Fame. We have stayed at three rest stops and and one Walmart (last night) and just keep traveling along.  Crossing the Mississippi River into Iowa I am posting from the Welcome Center viewing the great river.  We will be traveling west through plains farm country and then up to catch the I-90 in Minnesota and into South Dakota.  I will post pictures next stop.

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