Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Pioneers

     We took in a little Lake County history today.  We visited a museum with turn of the century stuff including sleighs with bells and buffalo robes at Dakota State College and then we visited a closed Prairie Museum (a group of building from all around the county placed as a village at the turn of the century).  It was closed but we could walk around and peer in the buildings.  It was very windy and cold (30 but much colder with the wind).  I can kind of visualize how harsh the winters were and are here. 
     We leave tomorrow morning going south.  That direction looks good right now for we are huddled in the RV with both the heater and electric cube heater on, listening to a whistle the RV is making now and then.  I made crock pot beef stew for dinner and early bed is looking good!!!!!!!!!!  In this state park there is a very small log cabin from the homesteading days on this peninsula which is Herman State Park.  White caps are on the water.  I bet the homesteaders must have hated the winter on the plains!
     John and I have our licenses now so we are now official South Dakota residences.  We also looked into medicare insurance and will have to change before January 1st our other coverage will not apply.  I will buy another camera so I can take pictures as we head south!!

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