Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pipestone National Monument, MN

We did laundry today and visited a national monument 44 miles away in Minnesota.  Pipestone National Monument is an old quarry used for thousands of years by native peoples.  Peace pipes were made from the red stone.  There was a demo by a Native American fashioning a pipe, a small museum, a film about the quarry history and on our walk we found another person in one of the quarries banging away at the hard layer of quartzite trying to get to the pipestone.  People have to get permits to dig here.  It was interesting and a very nice walk on the tall grass praire.  We went back to the RV in time for the crock pot dinner of pulled pork.  A walk around the campground and a few games of Rummy Cube ended our evening....just another day in South Dakota!

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