Thursday, October 6, 2011

Scion Blip

It was a fender bender!!!!  Saturday September 24th John was rear ended so with estimates, insurance adjusters, parts, and fixing the bumper, it is now October 6th and we are still in Woodstock.  The good news is we have our car back today and lift-off is Saturday. These next few days are scrambing to make sure every duck is in a row.  Our house is empty of all freezables and cabinets look very empty.  Mice proofing has been done and the refrigerator/freezer has been cleaned and transferred.  All we need to do is drain and put pink stuff in the water pipes/heating pipes.  It is like winterizing a very large RV! I will miss my big bathtub and the washer/dryer but...the leaves are turning color so it will be a pretty drive~~~~South Dakota, here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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