Sunday, June 15, 2014

On the Edge of a Tornato

We have noticed that the people working in the park are weather watchers.  There have been violent storms around this area.  When we first arrived, Hulett, a town north 9 miles had hail that left damage to cars and homes.  There have been other quick storms going through. We have not had any problems.  Last night Jess, head of maintenance, who lives in a house right next to us told us of Tornato warnings and her invite to stay at her house.  I ran around closing outside stuff and packed a bag of quick, run if needed stuff.  John was to grab Emma and I the bag.  Well, we never heard a train or saw green ugly clouds but the wind got very wild instantly, we took in our slide and the Weber grill went blowing away.  We were about to make a run for it and it just stopped!  Jessica came out and headed to the maintenance yard.  We noticed three trees down in the field facing our MH and downed large branches so we hopped on our bikes and headed for the public campground. Huge limbs were down everywhere and someone was talking about his car damage.  A lady in a tent was taken to the hospital.  Tents were destroyed! We had been on the edge of a tornado! The lady hurt her leg but everyone else was fine.  The NPS park workers will be getting overtime for cleaning up on a weekend cutting trees and limbs and hauling brush away!
A tree in the field in front of our Motor Home.

John and Emma a  day after the storm.  We survived very well!

This little cafe in the town of Aladdin (Population 15) is my favorite restaurant.
John liked the bread so Cindy sold us a loaf.(bread is not for sale)
Cindy makes pies to die for and the burgers are huge and hand pattied!
Her staff consists of one waitress and a cook, Cindy.

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