Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I have been given the task of getting a program together for October 2015.  It is called Arist-in-Residence and a lot of NPS parks, mouments, etc. have them.  The park offers an artist a place to stay for a time and the artist does a workshop/program during the time they are at the park and donate a work of art from the experience. For now I have been designated the honorary artist-in-the-park this summer.  I set us shop with my easle and talk to people every Wednesday.  I like this idea and have started researching and typing forms for the 2015 artist program.  Nancy, our boss, will be surprised how quickly it will get done.  When given a task I believe in I work quickly.
Above is a sketch of the tower from prairie dog town
Below is a pen and ink of the tower


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