Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hulett Parade & Rodeo

On Saturday we went to a home town yearly favorite, the Hulett Parade and Rodeo.  The town is 9 miles from Devils Tower.  It is a town of about 400 people with a school K-12, library, town offices and 4 churches.  The parade was quite long, as long as Woodstock's Memorial Day Parade.  Floats and cars from politicians were a large part of the parade. I guess they are voting soon!  Candy was thrown to kids, pens and pads were given to prospective voters.  Devils Tower had a float with a huge paper mache prairie dog wearing a patriotic top hat sitting in a children's rocker and walking beside it 3 NPS employees in uniform throwing candy. The parade had 2 clowns, the Hulett school marching band, horses, carriages, fire engines and old time cars.  After the parade a rodeo with younger people participating was held. They were great.  They wrestled steers, barrel raced, and rode barebacked on steers and bucking horses. We ate at a wonderful booth serving food including homemade pies.  They sure make yummy pies in this area and sell them everywhere! The one terrible part on a good day was I cannot find my camera with all my pictures of the parade and rodeo events.  It must have dropped in the grass on the way to the car!

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