Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mossy Cave Hike

Yesterday we hiked the Mossy Cave trail in the park.  It is an easy trail with a small waterfall and cave.  Water does not fit this landscape.  This water is on its way to Tropic where irrigation works wonders to make the valley green.  They irrigate pasture as well as crops around here.  After our hike we went to Red Rock Canyon and their visitor center and campground and talked to the people there.  It is busy for them this weekend also.  The Bryce Astronomy Festival is here and people are everywhere.  Since most happenings are after dark I cannot take pictures.  Maybe the eclipse can be shown on my camera tonight!  
This waterfall and stream are out of place in this dry country.
These arches are caused by freezing and thawing and rain/snow.

John looking down the trail we traveled.

Is this primrose in blossom?  It is tiny.  Look a the pine needles around it.

The moss is caused by the leaking of ground water into the rocks

Mossy Cave must be cool in the summer. 

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