Monday, May 7, 2012

Cedar Breaks National Monument & Red Canyon

On our day off we went to Cedar City by way of this monument. It was in ski country and still closed for the winter.  We traveled up 11,000 feet to Brian Head, a winter ski town near Cedar Breaks which still had snow but no skiing.  After food shopping, etc. we went back to beautiful Bryce traveling scenic Route 12 going through Red Canyon.  Everywhere the scenery is fantiatic!   
This is Cedar Breaks NM, about 58 miles away from Bryce.  The monument was still closed for winter and snow was still in the shady places.  It was very cold and windy.  We just had wind break jackets on and we froze.  Emma stayed in the car, smart dog!

This seems to be a smaller Bryce Canyon.  It was very beautiful.  The summer season at the monument is only mid June to mid September.  Everything was closed.

John is looking at the back of the log cabin which is the closed visitor center.  It is right on the edge of the amphitheater/canyon.  Maybe it was built by the CCC in the 30's????

This visitor center is a great photo for my paintings.

Red Canyon is on the way to Bryce.  All the hoodoos are this color.

This tunnel is one of two on the way to Bryce on this very scenic route 12.

1 comment:

  1. Cedar Breaks National Monument, located in Dixie National Forest in south western Utah, is a great spot for camping with family without breaking the family vacation budget. The place is very beautiful and inexpensive also.

    Brian Head Utah
