Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Back on Duty

One third of our volunteer commitment is over and we do not know where the time has gone. We have had interesting things happen on duty this past week.  We have found contact lens and a cell phone so we made out a 3 copy report and turned them in.  Twice after dark we have had a knock on our door for medical emergencies.  Once a man wanted directions to a hospital for his wife was ill and two nights later a young man widdled his finger instead of the piece of wood.  The young man's finger really needed stitches but he wanted only to clean and wrap his wound.  We are not certified so all I could do was give what was asked for and not help.  Being a grandma and he the age of our some of our grandsons, it was hard not to help or insist on stitches.  His finger will remind him not to widdle a finger but to cut the stick!

The campground is getting busier and the busy time is yet to come.  This Thursday through Sunday there is a Astronomy Festival here and on Sunday there is an eclipse - the moon will make a ring of fire of the sun in the evening.  We are almost right under the path and Bryce is known for it's dark skies.  I hope to have pictures of the doings.  Lots of Ranger talks and big telescopes are being set up and the campground is filling up to 90% full every night, even on weekdays or this weekend will be very busy. 

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