Friday, February 24, 2012

The fence at the border

We feel very safe right next to the border.  We see NPS law enforcement daily and border patrol vehicles go by all the time.  Our tour to Quitobaquito was escorted.  We have seen a few men called "quiters" waiting for patrol to pick them but they just look very beat and sad.  We have watched a dog do his thing finding drugs and being rewarded by his master.  We go through checkpoints every time we head north.  It is just a fact of life to live with the border patrol in this place but we always feel safe and do not know why the media of the country makes this so dangerous. I would be more uneasy in one of the big cities!  Do not believe what you read or hear!
This is the fence along the border.  It is a concrete and steel vehicle barrier. 

This is the Lukeville border crossing and a patrol truck.

John at the Lukeville restaurant.  Note the menu saying "25 miles from water and 3 foot from hell"

This is the fence going west to east on monument hill.
It is almost time to leave and I am sad.  We have had great experiences in this place.  It is just breath takingly beautiful and peaceful.  Our time has been spent wisely but time went by quickly so next week will be our last here.  Maybe we will return someday.

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