Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pam's Visit

Pam, our daughter, came to visit for 6 days.  We worked 2 days so she saw some of what we did. We attended talks and a night program & did the visitor center/book store tourist thing. We took the Mt Ajo Dr. 3 hour tour and we hiked the trails in the park, culminating in a hike to Bull Pasture. To get to the pasture view you travel the Mt Ajo Dr. gravel road for about 10 miles, parking at the trail head. We chose the 4.2 mile path through Estes Canyon and up.  It is a steep zig zag climb the last 3/4 miles to trails end.  Some people do not stop at Bull Pasture but accend to the top of Mt Ajo, the left peak in the picture below.  We were definately not in shape for that part and felt we accomplished something with the Bull Pasture finish.  What a view! 

Can you see the Bull?  Head is in center & long horns on either side.
John resting on the trail that wraps around to the right

Pam and John looking at the bull close up across a canyon.  We made it!

A view towards the campground shows how high we climbed.  Estes Canyon is on right.

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