Thursday, January 19, 2012

Painting and Pronghorns

Above are two oil paintings I have been using as the demo on the visitor center patio.  Both are half finished.  At this stage they look good to onlookers watching me paint, although here they loose their depth, detail and are washed because I took the above picture in direct sunlight.  They have a long way to go till I finish. Oil is layer upon layer and tweaking this and that.  The two famous iconic views of ORPI make good visitor discussions.  Both paintings have great history behind the landscapes.

John is at the podium starting his talk about the "Disappearing Desert Ghost", the Sonoran pronghorn.
  At this outdoor amphitheater 31 brave souls attended his very first talk/slide show.  It was cold and rained gently.

Just another start of a beautiful day here in the desert.
 Last night we (14 volunteers with Janet, our bookstore manager and her son Oscar, age 8) went to Sonoyta, Mexico to dinner at an outdoor stand.  I had a hibiscus drink made from flowers.  John had a coke in a real glass bottle and both of us had bean soup, spicy baked stuffed potatoes and tacos.  Janet then drove us around the town, in which she lives, showing us some of the sites.  I sure wish I could speak Spanish.  We felt safe but because of the language barrier I felt lost.  With our guide we were fine and it is such a shame the border problem is such an issue nationwide.  I forgot the camera again!   Check out Rorik&Sherri'sExcellent  He was smart and brought his camera.

1 comment:

  1. Hi enjoyed reading about your stay....It is a beautiful country!! We are at Flagler Beach on the water watching the dolphins swim the waves....Looking for the right whales that have been spotted !! Be sure to show the paintings once completed!! Beauiful.... Enjoy, Karen
