Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fallen Ranger Ceremony at ORPI for Margaret Anderson

John, right center, watching the ceremony

Some of the rangers & law enforcement

After the ceremony - staff including volunteers.  John looking at my camera on right middle

Here at Organ Pipe there was a ceremony lowering our flag for Margaret Anderson, the Mt Rainier Ranger and mother of 2 preschoolers, who was killed on duty January 1st.  We attended the ceremony at which the flag was lowered at half staff with a full salute.  I think this was done in every national park at the same time so when you think about it - a very impressive tribute to her. About 10 years ago here at ORPI a young 27 year old ranger, Kris Eggle, was killed in the line of duty.  The visitor center here is named after Kris and there is a memorial out front where fresh flowers are always in a vase. These rangers DO put their lives on the line in our national parks.

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