Sunday, October 19, 2014

New England October 2014

We have unpacked and gotton the rig ready for winter.  Our home refrigerator/freezer is filled again.  I have seen the sun on one full day only.  It has been cloudy and damp for most of the days.  Now I remember what I like about the midwest and southwest.  I am missing the sun at the moment!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Last pictures of South Dakota

Our site at Herman Lake Campground was right on the inlet and the camp host's site. It was very pretty but it was too cold and WINDY to enjoy the outdoors.  We spent one night.

The very nice park was cold and deserted. 

  Look at the waves on the small lake!  Yes, Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

We're in New England October 2014

 The work begins unpacking, getting house, motor home, and yard ready for winter. 
In PA we met a little rain and color.
  We arrived in Woodstock greeted by peak fall colors.
    At the dock our grandson's forgotten swimming tube was still there. 
   Below:  John is tackling the leaves that come with all that beautiful color.
      He says Bah, humbug!!!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Interior, SD

In background the posts seen is the road to Interior.
At the campground in Badlands NP I saw vehicles traveling through at 6-7am from somewhere south near the Rosebud Reservation.  I was curious.  John and I took a ride south of the park and found a unique town, Interior, SD.  It is so, soooo small (67 people) but has a few businesses like a motel and campground, yet has such an old fashioned feel.  The fee taker for the south entrance of the park lives there.  I fell in love with such a unique place.

Interior was swept with fire 3 times but it still survives.  Some lots were never rebuilt.

What more could you need?  The post office is connected to the grocery.  There is a school, gas station and 2 watering holes, 3 churches and a park for residents to gather with picnic tables, play yard, etc.  And it can all be seen at a sweeping glance!

I love the survival attitude of this town!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Badlands National Park in 2014

When we left the Black Hills of South Dakota our final stop in the western part of the state was Badlands National Park.  We stayed 2 nights and enjoyed the serenity with sightseening and a little hiking.  I hated to leave this place.  In September there are no crowds and no 100 degree temps but
 no ranger talks either. 

This reminded me of Petrified Forest National Park.  The first time we were
 here we had not been to Petrified Forest so we could not compare. 

Erosion at work and what beautiful results!

We stayed in the campground with no crowds.

We traveled the park by car and hiked a few trails.

A history lesson & wedding at DC Booth

This was like my car in 1970.  How big and sporty!

At Ruby's Garden behind the Booth House

Another beautiful bride is walked down the isle
The last day on the job at DC Booth House there was a wedding.  What I was surprised about was what they picked as a Bridal Car-an old classic-like Lisa and Jim had for their wedding 28 years ago.  But the modern bride and hubby picked a classic just like MY CAR IN 1970, my Chevelle.  So John and I are old and ancient  - NO, classics!  I had forgotten what a big sporty car it was.  And we fit all 5 children into it many years ago.  The bridal car was even close to the color car I owned with leather seats but not well chewed like ours.  Pam, the youngest, chewed the back of all our car's seats.  The children back then were not seat belted in so she leaned forward with her mouth on the back of the front seats.  And the seats in the front were 2 not quite bucket so one could get into the back seat with the 2 car doors.  We traveled 3 in the front seat, not possible now.  A trip down memory lane!