Sunday, August 31, 2014

I Now Live With an Old Man

   HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN!  He turned 70 yesterday.  I am younger now!  My time will come at Christmas.  Then we are both the same age.
   We have been busy with volunteering and the roof on the MH leaked big time.   I was in the bathroom 2 days mopping up the waterfall created in the light above the mirror because of rain.  We have not had any hint of trouble before.  It rained hard with windy storms in Devils Tower but never had a hint of a problem.  Why now???  We made an appointment with an RV repair in Belle Fouche and had to pack up for traveling.  I hate to do that for just a day!!!  The technician could not find anything on the roof so he just caulked two places he thought might need caulking.  John also had a valve he tried replacing in the water heater replaced by the technician.   While there John asked to have the toilet flush valve looked at.  It was reacting slow to close but was working.  Well, the technician working on the toilet broke a plastic part that was not replacable so we needed a new toilet.  I was not happy.  We traveled to Rapid City to pick up the new toilet because it would not come in until the next day if the RV place ordered the toilet.  We would have no toilet until then.  It was a quick change after our initial travel of two hours. I wanted the same color we had, beige, so it was a different model toilet that I do not like (cheaper with a white sprayer anyway).  It went in very easily but the result makes me unhappy.  I should have picked the white replacement toilet just like we had but in the white color. We paid for the new toilet and the sealing of the roof and changing of the valve, $310-(very inexpensive with $210 for the new toilet) - no toilet labor.  You live and learn!!!!  End of story I hope.   Now I am looking for a good rain to prove we solved the original problem!!!!!!

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