Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sequoia National Park and Three Rivers

We arrived at Three Rivers, CA, a small town just outside of the park.  I love this campground.  It reminds me of the type of camping we did years ago and the campground was probably in operation when we camped with children.  It is right beside the 3 rivers and we are camped next to one of them.  I could hear the sound of the river rushing when in bed.  What a lovely sound!

We went to Sequoia National Park in the Scion.  The first thing we did was go to the Foothills Visitor Center and look up Dani.  Our former Organ Pipe ranger boss, Kristina, worked in Sequoia before coming to Organ Pipe.  Dani was a very good friend of hers.  We found Dani working and introduced ourselves. Dani told us that Kristina got engaged at the end of March when on vacation at the Grand Canyon to Stephan, who is lives  in Austria.  Kristina told me she started every day at 6am with a long distance chat with Stephan.   We met him when we first arrived in ORPI.  He lives in Austria and was visiting for the Christmas holidays and again in March.  I wonder if we will gain a citizen or loose a NPS ranger??? 
Sequoias look like redwoods but have much bigger girth.

Our little Scion going under a fallen Sequoia.

John is going into a fallen log

The tree does not grow in girth until it is very tall. 
It needs fire to reproduce.  The heat opens its cones.
  The bark on a giant tree can be 12 inches thick.
They can live up to 2,000 years or more!

We hiked to this cabin which is a fallen log.  Look carefully on the right.
That is a window opening in the log.  The fireplace is a short extension of the
log room inside.  It had a bed beyond that window & a kitchen Cira 1850's
It was used for a residence when cattle was brought for summer grass.

This is one of the meadows that you can imagine cattle grazing in. 
Note the snow in some of the shadier places.
Back at the campground our site was right on the river.

To the right is part of the swimming area on the river.
  There is a pool in the CG also.

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