Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Goodbye Organ Pipe and hello Lazydays???????

We have finished our time at ORPI and packed up.  The weather was getting hotter so I turned on the air conditioner to cool the rig down.  Yup, you guessed it, it did not work.  It worked fine in Texas last December but we have not used the air conditioner since.  The desert gets cool at night and with the dry desert temps in the pm, we just used the draw fan.  It always cooled down when the sun went down.  So at Organ Pipe John called the tech from Lazydays and discussed the problem.  We reset a circut and it worked for 20 minutes and stopped.  Then again he reset it and again it stopped after a time.  So John called Lazydays in Tucson and made an appointment.  The California desert could wait until we had air.  After an uneventful trip east instead of west we had it looked at.  And guess what? It seems to be working fine now!  The tech cleaned and checked the unit.  He thinks it could have had a problem with our shore power.  Someone else complained about that at ORPI but we seemed to be OK. We shopped at Walmart and picked up a few things at Lazydays.  John got the oil changed in the Scion. Now we are really ready to go on to California and the national parks.  Life just gives you this wakeup call on occasion!

Goodbye  beautiful Organ Pipe

I gave this to the new superintendent of ORPI.  It is a sketch from the VIP campground.

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