Monday, December 23, 2013

We will be off on December 25th

Our time here is the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas is almost over.  We will be packing it in on the 24th and heading out on Christmas.  We have learned so much in our short 3 months here.  The wildlife refuge tours have been fun and educational.  We have met so many nice people at the visitor center, here at the volunteer village and on the tour.  Now I can actually drive a bus the size of a small school bus and even back and do a three point turn in it!!  I am sorry I could not post pictures or use the blog as I have in the past.  The Internet service here is spotty at best, even with our booster.  It will be better in Organ Pipe Cactus.  We have had issues here with no water, no electricity for one day and then no electricity for another 48 hours.  The Internet is the least of the problems.  I feel sorry for the interns (just out of college girls building their resume, living here with free housing and a stipend).  They have no other alternative means when things happen and communication at this refuge seems to be poor at best.  We at least have other means like the generator and some water on board when things happen.  It is always sad to leave a place you have adjusted to but that is what this is all about, the adventure of what is around the next corner.  And good and bad experiences are learning experiences both.  I am much more easy going than I was although I still sputter about things!  All one had to do is say to oneself "Will I even remember this 5 years from now?"  The answer is usually "no" and it puts it into perspective!
These nice volunteer neighbors Henry and Bev took us out to dinner for my birthday.  We hope to meet them again.  They are living full time in their home on wheels and have had lots of great experiences.  They have volunteered here for over a year!

This poor quality picture is 3 Plain Chachalocas eating an orange on the tree next to our MH.  They are native here. This is the only picture I have of them taken out the window the the RV.  Note their size!

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