Thursday, December 12, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

The pen I won in the drawing at the Thanksgiving Pot Luck here. I never win anything but I did win this pen which is made out of mesquite right from this refuge!  David is in the picture below is making a pen (his hobby) at his campsite.  Note our MH and car in background.

Pam and Lisa, our daughters, have returned home after visiting in cold weather.  I told them to only pack one pair of jeans for it was hot and humid here.  Well, it was abnormally cold and raw so we did not go dolphin watching, go to the beach, or summer things but went to a show & museums and played games.  They did see strange birds and dead nilgae and wild pigs for it was hunting season and they have a meat locker here for harvested animals!  We enjoyed one another even if the weather was not perfect!  We had a pot luck with everyone here and enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner.

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