Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Nebraska Chautaugua and no A/C

We are at Grand Island, NE at a Truck Stop.  But now the weather is humid and hot, not good for sweaty bites for they now itch but it has stopped spreading and started healing.  Two days ago we could not cool down our MH by the dash A/C.  The truck stop we happened to pull into has a huge place next to green grass where we can stay away from the trucks.  John thought our problem was just low freon but it was a motor pump.  After a gulp, gulp, $$$$$ they ordered the part.  It came today and we have air conditioning again. Horray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The truck stop has visitor info so we found out about lovely Stuhr Museum of the Prairie Pioneer just down the road.  We spent yesterday in air conditioned comfort viewing exibits and last night at the outdoor exhibit where they have old villages from log housing to a western 1870's railroad town complete with train.  The museum is having an old fashioned Nebraska Chautaugua free to the public.  A chautaugua is a old time gattering that has speakers, entertainers, etc.  We listened to pioneer music and two interpretures - Mark Twain and Willa Cather, both authors.  It was all about the pioneers trek west, just what we love to learn about!!!  So today we have A/C and will go back tonight for another Chautaugua.  We stayed for 4 nights in Grand Island, NE and enjoyed the nightly Chautaugua programs. We learned a lot of history - just what we love.  And again we just fell into the right spot!!

The museum streets were wooden

A rainbow was over the Motor Homes but it is hard to see

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