Friday, May 24, 2013

Where has the time gone!!????

The last few weeks have gone by quickly.  After Mother's Day our pastor neighbor next door had tragedy strike.  His wife was forgetting words, names and sleeping continually.  He first took her to a nearby clinic, then the Flagstaff ER, and then they headed home to Texas.  To compound the problem, their motor home slide would not go in.  He had someone come out to look at it, had help from neighbors including John, but he had to leave the MH and head to Texas in his truck with his sick wife.  She is in intensive care with a terrible prognosis fighting for her life and he has to come back to get his MH.  Two days ago friends in the park finally managed to move the slide in.  Just before he came here he had a gasket fixed on one of his slides.  Being in the sun for a month here made the glue run down the side of the MH sealing the slide open.  It took 5 men standing in a truck to push and break the seal of the glue.  Skip will arrive after the weekend to get his house on wheels.  Please pray for Opal's recovery.  They are a sweet couple who need everyone's prayers. Emma finally warmed up to Teddy Bear, their 6 pound dog, who we took care of and now Emma goes looking for Teddy.  Life on the road somethimes takes tragic turns. In the meantime new people for the summer season have arrived and had 4 days of training.  We are now the old volunteers with Skip and Opel leaving early. The others have already left for their next adventures.
The offending slide that was glued open.

I built this for Memorial Day.  May we remember all that gave all for their country. 
I remember my father and hope the cemetery put a flag on his new grave.

The May moon was huge over I-40 in back of our MH.

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