Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

John and Emma in their usual positions. Note the fresh flowers sent by some of my children for Mother's Day.  It was such a sweet surprise out here to have delivered fresh flowers including the vase!

I have been watching a mama bird building and sitting on 4 blue gray eggs right outside my window.  At this point I do not know what kind of bird except it is a wren size gray brown mom.  Today I decided to take pictures of the eggs and guess what I found?  I found fuzzy hatch lings.  They must be hours or minutes old!  One quick picture and I left them to their mom who will quickly come back on the nest.

We shopped in the town of Holbrook at sunset.  Across from the Market on Old Route 66 is a motel from that era.  These are stucco wigwams with door, air conditioners, etc.  It is very popular to stay overnight here.  Amazing what you find out west!

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