Thursday, May 30, 2013

Off to California tomorrow

We packed up today and tomorrow morning we are off toYosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon national parks.  It is time to leave our little community and start another adventure.  The birds (finches) who were
hatchlings have gone, our spring neighbors and their rigs are also gone. In this park, not known for animals, I have seen 3 kinds of lizards, snakes, ravens, quail, pronghorn, birds including a pair of nesting Killdeer, finch, orioles, hawks, and some others. I have heard Coyotes but I have never seen them.  Maybe I will see a bear in the Sierra Nevada's.

Goodbye to PEFO and our little piece of the northeastern Arizona

We turned in all our borrowed keys, clothes, etc.  Sarah, our VIP boss took us to lunch today at the Harvey House officially ending our stay. The weather is warmer but it is still windy and the bugs are out.  Spring in the high country of Arizona was cool and windy.  We only ate outside twice and cooked outside about 6 times.  We learned about the park and are proficient at our jobs so now it is time to travel on.  Goodbye PEFO.  See you in our dreams.

Last Hike to Agate House :(

Our last park hike was heading to agate house, a partially reconstructed pueblo.  In the morning the colors are great and it is cool with a little breeze.  And a great end to the 3 months.
John and Emma headed towards the pueblo

The reconstructed ruins

The petrified wood just litter the ground of the area.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Where has the time gone!!????

The last few weeks have gone by quickly.  After Mother's Day our pastor neighbor next door had tragedy strike.  His wife was forgetting words, names and sleeping continually.  He first took her to a nearby clinic, then the Flagstaff ER, and then they headed home to Texas.  To compound the problem, their motor home slide would not go in.  He had someone come out to look at it, had help from neighbors including John, but he had to leave the MH and head to Texas in his truck with his sick wife.  She is in intensive care with a terrible prognosis fighting for her life and he has to come back to get his MH.  Two days ago friends in the park finally managed to move the slide in.  Just before he came here he had a gasket fixed on one of his slides.  Being in the sun for a month here made the glue run down the side of the MH sealing the slide open.  It took 5 men standing in a truck to push and break the seal of the glue.  Skip will arrive after the weekend to get his house on wheels.  Please pray for Opal's recovery.  They are a sweet couple who need everyone's prayers. Emma finally warmed up to Teddy Bear, their 6 pound dog, who we took care of and now Emma goes looking for Teddy.  Life on the road somethimes takes tragic turns. In the meantime new people for the summer season have arrived and had 4 days of training.  We are now the old volunteers with Skip and Opel leaving early. The others have already left for their next adventures.
The offending slide that was glued open.

I built this for Memorial Day.  May we remember all that gave all for their country. 
I remember my father and hope the cemetery put a flag on his new grave.

The May moon was huge over I-40 in back of our MH.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Meet Trooper

Jamie, a young ranger, rides Trooper through the park.  Emma and I visit Trooper and his companion in their area near our little RV park here at PEFO.  I was given permission to walk down and give them carrots occasionally.

Back to work tomorrow

Our days off have magically disappeared again and we are back to work tomorrow.  We went to church on Mother's Day with our next door neighbors in Snowflake.  He is a retired pastor and filled the pulpit for that one Sunday.  He gave a happy sermon so Mother's Day was off to a happy start.  We had company outside our MH in the evening.  Everyone gathered for the sunset and a gab session.  It is nice to have friendly neighbors.
Our gathering on the patio

One of the beautiful sunsets at PEFO

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

John and Emma in their usual positions. Note the fresh flowers sent by some of my children for Mother's Day.  It was such a sweet surprise out here to have delivered fresh flowers including the vase!

I have been watching a mama bird building and sitting on 4 blue gray eggs right outside my window.  At this point I do not know what kind of bird except it is a wren size gray brown mom.  Today I decided to take pictures of the eggs and guess what I found?  I found fuzzy hatch lings.  They must be hours or minutes old!  One quick picture and I left them to their mom who will quickly come back on the nest.

We shopped in the town of Holbrook at sunset.  Across from the Market on Old Route 66 is a motel from that era.  These are stucco wigwams with door, air conditioners, etc.  It is very popular to stay overnight here.  Amazing what you find out west!