Saturday, March 30, 2013

One Month at PEFO

   In March we have been learning all about Petrified Forest National Park.  We have worked 4 rounds of weekly shifts.  Now it will be easier because we are not on such a high learning curve.  My back has not taken well to 9 1/2 hour days 3 days in a row, which is our work schedule.  It was four in a row! I feel like an old lady, which I am.  We became great-grandparents today with the birth of Audrey Mae weighing 7 pounds and 13 ounces so John has to sleep with a great-grandmother now!
   The PEFO staff is very young by my standards and their lives are centered on the internet.  It makes a difference.  I know they forget our ages and we are just not as savy as they are about internet or as young and healthy. It is a minor problem we will overcome.   The weather is windy but beautifully warm in the afternoons.  The high desert badlands are lovely colors and change as one drives through the park south.  The leaves are budding and birds are chipping so spring has started to come.  God has blessed us by us seeing spring in this special place as well as our addition to our family.  Happy Easter everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

Painted Desert from the Painted Desert Inn

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