Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lacey Point Hike with Ranger Archaeoligist

We passed lots of petrified wood hiking the 2 1/2 miles to Point of Rocks

The archeologist found this stone axe, GPS'ed it's location, and took pictures so he could take the object back to the collection.  It was very exciting to handle a new find!

This is the Point of Rocks petroglyph that not many people see.  That and finding the axe made this hike very exciting. 

On our first day of volunteering we had the chance to hike with an expert.  He lead down a very steep area into the north end of the Painted Desert in the park.  John and I loved the hike but traveling back mid day and up that last steep couple of hundred yard grade did me in.  I went back to training in the PM but just barely made it.  We ate sandwiches and I said goodnight early.  Today I was much better.  I felt like my first day volunteering was going to kill me!  The day was 9 1/2 hours long and I am not used to being on my feet going all day!!  It will get better.  There is much to see in this park.

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