Monday, February 18, 2013

RV Dreams Rally, Quartzsite

We arrived north of Quartzsite on BLM land for the boondocking rally Friday 2/15. We missed the first week of the two week RV Dreamsrally but we were not the only rigs coming in mid-rally. Others arrived after us. We have toured a few other rigs and had campfires every night for talking over the days events. Today we had a swap table with things people were giving up, an electrical seminar and a pot luck. I had hoped for more info gleaning but we apparently really know more about boondocking than I thought. On Sunday they had a pumper truck empty black tanks and a fresh water truck come. Arriving like we did we did not need either truck. The desert is quiet and sunny right now. Quartzsite itself is crazy in January but it has quieted for the February RV'ers. It is sure the Arizona capital of RVing!!!!!!!!!!! We walked some flea markets and bought some trinkets but we do not need anything. We really have it all. Meeting the rally leaders and new people were the object of camping in the desert.

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