Monday, February 25, 2013

Cowboy Action Shooting

We went to a Cowboy Action Shooting Competition on Saturday. It was like going back in time. We watched a roping/bullwhip show and competitions from fast draw to timed target shooting. I loved the costumes. Back at the campground we saw another western sunset.

Burro Sightings

John sighted wild burros in the park so I took pictures. They are plentiful around here. I was asked this morning if I heard them during the night in the campground. I slept through it!!! We are high on a hill so the lake can be seen as well as the desert. Ah, another Arizona sunset!!!!! Tomorrow we are off north towards Petrified Forest.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Meeting Old Friends

We arrived above Phoenix at Lake Pleasant where friends are hosting. We were just in time. Pam was flying to Connecticut for a family visit with her husband holding the fort where they are hosting. The weather turned cold and grapple (slushy sleet) covered the ground. In the mountains it snowed and north of here in the high elevations they have a foot of snow or better. We like the sleet!! It melts quick. We are staying here through the weekend and then we head north to the I-40 and our volunteering at Petrified Forest National Park.

Monday, February 18, 2013

RV Dreams Rally, Quartzsite

We arrived north of Quartzsite on BLM land for the boondocking rally Friday 2/15. We missed the first week of the two week RV Dreamsrally but we were not the only rigs coming in mid-rally. Others arrived after us. We have toured a few other rigs and had campfires every night for talking over the days events. Today we had a swap table with things people were giving up, an electrical seminar and a pot luck. I had hoped for more info gleaning but we apparently really know more about boondocking than I thought. On Sunday they had a pumper truck empty black tanks and a fresh water truck come. Arriving like we did we did not need either truck. The desert is quiet and sunny right now. Quartzsite itself is crazy in January but it has quieted for the February RV'ers. It is sure the Arizona capital of RVing!!!!!!!!!!! We walked some flea markets and bought some trinkets but we do not need anything. We really have it all. Meeting the rally leaders and new people were the object of camping in the desert.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Arrival In Arizona

Traveling west on the I-20 was horrible. In Mississippi the road was Motorhome unfriendly, jarring us all the way. The radio stopped working because of the jarring (no Sirius)and my back did not take it well. After 3 Walmart or rest stop nights we stopped in Louisana at Lake Bistineau State Park. I saw a beautiful sunset on the lake which was really a filled cyprus swamp. Before the Louisanna next day rain off we traveled again. It took us 3 days to travel across Texas. We stopped in New Mexico for another Walmart night arriving in Arizona February 12th. We woke to New Mexico ice then traveling through the desert into Arizona we saw snow on the sides of the road. John and I traveled into Texas Canyon on I-10 feeling we finally arrived! Stopping at Lazydays in Tuscon for a few days to rest, the cold is still with us but the snow is gone. We had our radio fixed, bought LED lights for the MH and washed our filthy car, clothes, etc. I Emailed RV Dreams Quartzsite Boondocking Rally and we are off to Quartzsite on Friday. We have missed most of the weather coming across country. After we left Woodstock, Connecticut had 3 feet of snow crippling the state. We picked the only window to leave the cold and snow so I feel very lucky. Now on to our western adventures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Takeoff - West

Ruby and Emma with their slaves, John and Edgar! We were in South Carolina visiting friends before we turned west to travel on to Arizona. Huntington Beach State Park, SC is right on the coast. John and our friend, Edgar, are holding the dogs. Ruby is Emma sized but she is now an old lady and really did not appreciate Emma in her territory. I loved Ruby's size when she was living in CT so Emma size appealed to me. They are both spoiled dogs and we love them.
We left Thurs January 31st and stopped for the night in PA just over the line from NY. The weather was cold, snow and heavy wind ahead and we did not want to travel after dark. The next day we sailed(we have a very high motor home)over the mountain near Scranton, PA and down I-81. In Virginia we headed thru Richmond to I-95 arriving in Myrtle Beach area on Saturday night. After visiting friends and de-winterizing the MH, off we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!